Consumententrends drijfkracht nieuwe trends in verpakkingen

22 oktober 2015

In recent years, the global packaging industry has seen strong growth. In its report, ‘Consumer trends define packaging hot spots’ Rabobank finds that much of this growth is being driven by five key consumer trends; premiumisation, convenience, online retailing, shelf-life extension and recyclability. Each of these trends have benefits for both packaging material and equipment makers.
These trends each have specific effects on the type of packaging and the type of material used to make it; the standard five being: flexible or rigid plastic, glass, paper, metal, or the combinations of paper, metal and film used in liquid cartons (Nieuwsbericht Rabobank, 30 september 2015).
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Klik hier voor meer informatie over de NVC Algemene Ledenvergadering op 26 november. Het Openbare Deel staat in het teken van de De toekomst van verpakkingsmaterialen.

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