66,3 milj. EPAL euro pallets geproduceerd in 2014 - 3% groei

30 maart 2015

The European Pallet Association e. V. (EPAL) has recorded a production of 66.3 million EPAL euro pallets in 2014 which means a growth of 3% compared to the prior year. Over the same period, the number of repaired EPAL pallets increased slightly to 22.4 million (2013: 22.3 million). In addition to very good results in Europe, including excellent growth in Hungary and the Czech Republic, the 50% growth in China in 2014 has made it another important development market for EPAL.
2014 is the first complete calendar year in which EPAL has been granting licenses for the production of Euro pallets marked exclusively with the “EPAL in oval” brand (Persbericht EPAL, 11 maart 2015).
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